Firearms Ownership is an American Past Time

What do you think of when it comes to great American past times? You might think of fireworks, hot dogs, baseball games. That is certainly true of all of these activities, but there is one that predates even the founding of our great country itself, that sadly comes to mind for very few people today. It is embedded in the fabric of our nation, in fact it’s even embedded in our constitution. That is, one of the oldest American past times is responsible and competent firearms ownership.

For centuries, there was nothing controversial about this topic. It is only for the last few decades that this subject has become a political issue, and with all political issues, this issue will ebb and flow and change, as time goes on.

The Goals of CRACKSHOT.tv

Our goal at CRACKSHOT.tv is to primarily celebrate and encourage responsible gun ownership and usage without any of the modern day politics. There are many other outlets cover those topics well, but that is not the point of our channel. Our channel is meant to be an escape from all of that.

CRACKSHOT.tv maintains a positive, family friendly tone. It is a place where all people are welcome who have an interest in firearms, or just want to learn more about firearms in general. We want to create content that you wouldn’t be embarrassed to share with anyone.

To Provide Honest Information

At CRACKSHOT.tv we provide helpful information that promotes responsibility and safety for gun owners. We review a variety of products; with honesty and integrity at the heart of it all. We don’t shill for any manufacturers. All products featured on our channel are owned and bought out of pocket by the content creators. All reviews are based on personal, first hand experience. If ever a vendor would like us to review their product, we will do so gladly, but we will disclose that relationship clearly ahead of time. We also don’t accept any form of monetary payment, for any of our reviews, in order to maintain the integrity of our content.

To Provide Helpful Tutorials and Guides on Specific Topics

We provide tutorials when it comes to promoting the safe and responsible usage of gun ownership. This includes providing factual information and tutorials on our website, crackshot.tv, and videos through our social media channels, that will be helpful in equipping responsible gun owners. Whether you a are professional or hobbyist, or if your interest in firearms stems from recreation and / or self defense, CRACKSHOT.tv is dedicated to providing content relevant to you.

To Promote Competitive Shooting Sports

Furthermore, here at CRACKSHOT.tv, we love participating in competitive shooting sports. There are so many varieties that most of the American public hasn’t even heard of. Whether you enjoy pistol shooting with USPSA or IDPA, trap shooting or skeet shooting with shotguns, precision rifle marksmanship, or even some combination with 2-Gun and 3-Gun competitive shooting, we cover and actively participate in it all.

To Promote Getting Outdoors and Hunting

Beyond that, many of our readers and contributors are outdoorsman. As our platform grows, we plan to deliver helpful informational content on hunting and sporting topics as well.

To Document and Remember Classic Firearms throughout History

Lastly, even if your interest is primarily collecting, we also want to document and highlight some of the great, classic firearms throughout history. We want to discuss and educate on the history of unique firearms from all around the world, and really highlight the world changing contributions that these firearms have had over the centuries.

A Place where Everyone is Welcome

So CRACKSHOT.tv is meant to be a place that you can go to to enjoy our incredible hobby and legacy, while being an escape from all of the controversy of the modern era.

We hope you’ll consider subscribing to our content, and we earnestly hope our content will do the great legacy of the 2A community justice.


The CRACKSHOT.tv team