Does the Griffin Armament Micro Carry Compensator Work?
The griffin armament micro carry compensator is a no brainer if you’re running a threaded barrel but don’t have room or want to carry a larger full size compensator.
While there are competitive products that work a little better and only add a little bit of length to the pistol, like the Radian Ramjet or PMM JTTC Micro, the griffin armament is by far the smallest and lightest option on the market. But does it actually work being so tiny?
In this quick review, we’ll put it to the test.
Griffin Micro Carry Compensator
A tiny compensator that is great for concealed carry contexts. It really does help reduce felt recoil by about 20-25%, yet it doesn’t increase the profile of the firearm by very much.

The Griffin Micro Carry Comp is Perfect for Concealed Carry
Coming in at only a little longer than your standard thread protector, the griffin armament just threads onto the barrel like any thread protector. You can torque it down with an o-ring to time it. It is the easiest compensator I’ve ever installed.
Because it is so light weight and small, it will work with most holsters that allow for usage with a threaded barrel without changing much.
I am currently running it on my Glock 34, since the glock 34 is so long, I cannot run it with other compensators installed in many of my holsters, including my Safariland Glock 17 holster or my blackhawk omnivore.

Griffin Micro Carry Compensator
A tiny compensator that is great for concealed carry contexts. It really does help reduce felt recoil by about 20-25%, yet it doesn’t increase the profile of the firearm by very much.
The Griffin Micro Carry Comp works with all 9mm ammunition I’ve tried it with
The compensator functions just fine with any ammunition ive thrown at it from multiple brands. I’ve tried 115 grain, 124 grain, 147 grain, all of it. It does reduce recoil a little bit. Is it as effective at reducing recoil as a full size compensator, like this PMM JTTC compensator or Agency ARMS 417 that I’ll be reviewing soon? No does not.

The Griffin Micro Carry Comp doesn’t reduce recoil to the same level as full size compensators
However, if those full size compensators reduce felt recoil by say 30-40%, and I believe that they do, the Griffin probably reduces felt recoil by my guess around 15-25%. It isn’t as dramatic as the other compensators, but it is noticeable, even on the already pretty reasonably flat shooting Glock 34, especially with a light on front.
Griffin Micro Carry Compensator
A tiny compensator that is great for concealed carry contexts. It really does help reduce felt recoil by about 20-25%, yet it doesn’t increase the profile of the firearm by very much.

The Griffin Micro Carry Comp is really affordable
At the price point, with an MSRP of $64.95, the micro carry comp is priced extremely affordably. Check out all of our links for the best prices.

I definitely recommend that you try it. It doesn’t cost much, it runs great with every pistol and ammo combination that I’ve tried it with. Its easy to install and uninstall if you don’t like it, and it is a really affordable way to get just a little bit more performance out of your pistol.
Griffin Micro Carry Compensator
A tiny compensator that is great for concealed carry contexts. It really does help reduce felt recoil by about 20-25%, yet it doesn’t increase the profile of the firearm by very much.